[New Podcast Episode] From Crisis To Opportunity: A Conversation with the Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook

We are thrilled to welcome to the show yet another Episcopal Bishop, this time from our home state of California! The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook is a national leader in evangelism, church growth, and church planting currently serving as the fifth Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego. After serving established congregations early in her ordained ministry, she planted a church in Scottsdale, Arizona, which went on to become a thriving congregation. In this deeply hopeful and imminently practical conversation, Bishop Susan reflects on the spiritual practices that make for vital Christian communities, whether new or longstanding, such as connecting with our neighbors, deepening authentic relationship within and beyond our community, engaging in spiritual practices that center God, and looking for God already at work in our world. We also explore insights and frameworks from her wonderful book God Gave the Growth: Church Planting in the Episcopal Church. Bishop Susan proclaims the hope of the resurrection with her words and her witness, reminding us that there is no situation through which God cannot bring new life. Don’t miss this truly inspiring episode with one our church’s most visionary leaders.
Listen and subscribe wherever you find podcasts, or listen on our website. Each month, we will release a new episode with the goal of supporting congregations as they emerge from the pandemic, inspiring leaders in discernment and experimentation, and encouraging creative collaboration.