Small Groups

Vital + Thriving offers a small group enhancement option we call “Significant Relational Groups.”

They are:

Significant, a gathering of trust and authenticity;

Relational, connected with God, one another and with the wider Church in the Body of Christ; and a

Group, a gathering of 5-15 people with indigenous leadership and structure, some less formal, others more formal. They may be as casual as a Saturday morning bike ride, as spiritually focused as a prayer circle, as mission-driven as a food pantry team. They may include people with a religious commitment or none.

We offer a proven journey for reaching people and forming community, based on sound theology and learnings from the social sciences. A Significant Relational Group is not a random collection of people: it is God’s mission to the world, taking form in human relationships.

The anthropologist Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Our next step is to partner with congregations who want to enrich their small group experience and reach out to their neighbors. We have a wealth of materials and decades of consulting experience to share, but our approach is not “one size fits all.”  We respond to each congregation’s unique situation and calling in God’s mission.

Questions? Email Beth Horsch: